Full Stack: Portfolio

Project One: dayVenture

Web app automatically creates a day trip itinerary at a push of a button. JS, Jquery, FireBase, Google Maps, Yelp API, HTML, CSS,Bootstrap, OwlJS.

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Project Two: Educated Guess - Movies Social Network

A Web App that is to movies what goodreads was to books. Created with JS, MySql, Node, Express, Firebase/Google, HTML, CSS, HandleBars used TMDB API

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Project Three: E@T HOME - a restaurant platform

Full stack MERN web app. A platform for the new CA "home cooks" market. In 2019 state of CA legalized commercial food production in noncommercial kitchens. This platform connects cooks with foodies (kinda like yelp).

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React Game

React Clicky Game. Made with... you guessed it - React. This project - my first working React JS project was an effort to implement react basics. It lets user click on a cartoon character then shuffles the characters and incremets the score. If the user clicks on the same character again - they lose the game.

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Node JS: Wired Scraper

A project to learn how to integrate several libraries, DB, ORM, and a basic front end. The app lets a user execute a function that scrapes all the article headlines, short descriptions, and URL, from Wired.com landing page. Then the user can save these data to a DB (and add own notes (not currently saved)). App is built with : NODE JS, Express, express-handlebars, mongoose,body-parser, cheerio, request

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APIs: Giftastic

A page I built to learn integrating APIs into a site. Utilizes JQuery, JS, HTML and GIPHY Api. A "for fun" site, that lets user type in a search string for category, a person, or a topic, then - creates a button - which - when clicked populates the page with animated gifs.

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JQuery Game: crystal game

A game I built to learn JQuery. Player is asked to guess a specific number by clicking crystals with an unknown points value.

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JS Trivia (prototype) game

A trivia game prototype I built while learning JS/HTML/CSS. A player gets 6 questions and a timer. After submitting answers the game will tell the player how many they got right. Or if time runs out the player gets a chance to play again.

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NodeJS Command Line App with MySQL

A CRUD command line app with MySQL and Node JS. A store like interface that lets a user pick an item and purchase it, and notifies a user if the item is out of stock. Built with MySQL and Node JS. NOTE the app does not have a web interface but the link will take you to the github repo readme.md (which has an animated gif)

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Nyango Drums - Vanilla JS Drum Machine

A vanila JavaScript site that lets the user click a keyboard button and create a drum sound. Utilizes javascripts play() function. A tribute to Nyango Star. NOTE: Mouse Clicking is not enabled, user MUST use keybaord.

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CSS Time - CSS and Vanilla JS Analog Clock

A clock that uses JS to read tme, and render current time to the screen with CSS and JS. Utilzes css transform and cubic bezier features.

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Connecting CSS Vars To HTML controls with JS

Vanilla JS, CSS and HTML sliders and color picker which allow the user to change the page elements. Works via CSS variables, and elements of dataset nodelist.

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Vanilla JS Chrome Extension - a hello world of chrome extensions

Vanilla JS, CSS and HTML. Once enabled extension can be toggled and enables user to add their name. Once user added their name the new tab will display a greeting with the users name. NOTE - NOT DEPLOYED as its a browser extension. The button will navigate to github.

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